The purpose
The main goal of the Nuremberg Trials 2.0 project is to collect, consolidate and unify information about those who publicly called for war against Ukraine for further trial in the Russian Federation.
We want to warn the governments of civilized countries against cooperating with these people and take into account their position regarding the war and Ukraine when deciding whether to grant them a residence permit or permission to do business in their countries.

Project objectives
The project collects information regarding representatives of the following categories:
- Businessmen
- Government employees
- Politicians
- Mass media representatives
- Scientists
- Cultural figures
- Public figures
- Ordinary citizens
The compilers of the Nuremberg 2.0 database do not replace the work of law enforcement agencies, but consider it necessary, in the absence of an independent court in Russia, to collect and systematize data on individuals who avoid responsibility for supporting an aggressive war.
We provide lists of individuals and evidence of their public support for the war in Ukraine to specialized organizations and ministries of foreign affairs of interested countries. They, in turn, after studying the evidence base, decide on the possibility of applying sanctions against these citizens of Russia.
We cooperate with the EU countries, the USA, Canada and South Korea.